"As politicians reach out to Muslim communities to secure their integration with rather than isolation from mainstream society, a growing number of businesses across Europe are doing the same," according to an article in the Financial Times. For example:
- Nokia "has introduced the Ilkon i800, a mobile phone that directs users toward Mecca and tells them when to pray."
- Heineken "has decided to roll out the nonalcoholic malt drink Fayrouz internationally."
- Lloyds TSB "is the latest bank to introduce Islamic banking services"
- GlaxoSmithKline "secured a statement from the country's Muslim Law Council that the company's Ribena and Lucozade soft drinks are halal"
- Sony "is supporting the British launch of PlayStation Portable with an exhibition of Arabic art this month.

The article notes that the "internationally-acclaimed company... was making [an] effort to accommodate Muslims in its workforce."

It's sad that private corporations are doing more to affirmatively integrate Muslims than policymakers, so it seems. In a sense though, it's almost disguisting how this interest in Muslims is motivated by the 'bottom-line', rather than some noble interest in the welfare of the community.
disgusting indeed
"noble interest"??? what do you expect..
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