We'd like to draw particular attention to the articles on the racial attack on 7/7 victim's family (who is Muslim).
- Bombing Victim's Family Targeted in Race Hate Crime: The family of one of the London bombing dead has become the latest victim of the racial abuse backlash against muslims which is sweeping the country.
- Muslim abuse victim's anger at backlash: [same family as above]
- 7/7 'revenge' attack on disabled Asian: Backlash against the July 7 bombings here is taking on racial dimensions with a disabled Hindu man attacked and called Al Qaeda, an Asian human rights campaigner has said.
- Attack on Hindu Temple Blamed on Bombings Backlash: Vandals and fly-tippers have driven worshippers out of a Hindu temple in Edmonton.... Hindu priest Bandit Krishnatreya, 79, fears they are the victims of a backlash against minorities in the wake of the terror attacks on London.
- Asian Mother and Daughters Attacked in Essex: the 30-year-old was and her children were kicked, spat at and taunted about the terrorist attacks in London.
Profiling and Other Security Measures
- Profiling Debate Heats Up in London: "I don't want people to stare at me any more," he said of his change of habit, adding that he had no particular religious affiliations."
- Transit Attacks Revive Targeted Profiling Debate: In a country that has proclaimed from its inception that all men are created equal, many Americans find the notion of targeted racial profiling disturbing. In most cases, it's also illegal.
- Faith Groups Oppose Plans for Government ID Cards in the UK: Mounting concerns over the government's plans to introduce compulsory ID cards were given fresh impetus yesterday after it emerged that Britain's major religions oppose the scheme.
- Head of Australian Muslim Organization Wants Required Registration for Clerics: THE head of Australia's peak Islamic body wants Muslim clerics to undergo a registration process similar to marriage celebrants
Condemnation & Outreach
- U.S. Muslims Reach Out to Youth, Educate Against Terror: Alarmed by the London subway bombings, US Muslim activists have produced a pamphlet on how to spot "susceptible youth" and are taking steps to prevent young people in the US from embracing extremist views.
- Australian PM Hosts Anti-Terrorism Summit with Muslims: Prime Minister John Howard is to host an anti-terrorism summit with Muslim leaders to find ways to confront religious figures and others who preach fear and violence.
- Backlash Fear Helpline Set Up at Scotland Yard: A 24-hour advice line to help minority groups who fear a backlash after the London bomb attacks has been set up at Scotland Yard.
- CAIR-SC Condemns London Bombings: As a Muslim, I am outraged as well as sad to see those committing this heinous crime in the name of Islam. They not only are destroying innocent lives, but also are betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent.
- Muslim leaders call bombers `criminals': Prompted by the terrorist bombings in London that killed dozens last month, a group of Bay Area Muslim leaders Tuesday read aloud a fatwa, or religious ruling, at a San Jose mosque calling the attackers ``criminals'' who violate the letter and spirit of Islam.
[Thanks to Tracy Wells of the Pluralism Project for bringing these materials to our attention]

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