Gezari speaks of her friend "Anjali, who is 31 and half Indian." According to Gezari, Anjali "told her mother that if she saw a South Asian man with a backpack on the bus, she would sit next to him in a personal rebellion against the divisive effects of the bombings."
Gezari also provides us with insight into how the lives of South Asian men have changed after 7/7:
A man recently told a TV reporter that he had bought a bicycle, not so much because he feared an attack, but because he didn't like eyeing his fellow passengers with suspicion....
On the subway these days, Ats and other South Asian men play a silent game. "We look and just sort of smile, like, "You're wearing a backpack, are you a bomber? No, I'm not,' " Ats says.
"We're seen by everyone as potential threats, and we see each other as potential threats as well.... It was the worst nightmare come true that those guys were British-born," he says. "We wanted them to be foreigners."

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